Egypt is witnessing an astronomical phenomenon monitored by the Pharaohs for thousands of years

  • 21-06-2019, 13:27
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    Astronomers and Egyptians on Friday observe the phenomenon of sun-drying on five Pharaonic temples in Upper Egypt on the occasion of the Day of the Summer Solstice, a phenomenon that is repeated on June 21 each year.This phenomenon and many other phenomena witness alive confirm the creativity of ancient Egyptians in astronomy and the use of phenomena in many fields of science and life. The head of the Egyptian Association for the Development of Archeology and Tourism, Ayman Abu Zeid said: The afternoon sun will sit on Friday, the temples of Abydos and Hibbs, Edfu, Dandara and Ramses III group temples Karnak.

    Abu Zeid pointed out that solar beams will infiltrate today through the openings in the roofs of the five temples, to light inside, signaling the beginning of the summer, according to the ancient Egyptian calendar, and the sun will shine between the columns and shrines of Karnak temples in the city of Luxor.